Don’t Ignore These Heart Trouble Red Flags
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States—killing one in five people annually. Most middle-aged and young adults have one or more risk factors or heart disease, such as alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.
Stay a Step Ahead: Managing Foot Health with Diabetes
Diabetes affects an estimated 38.4 million people in the U.S. and presents unique challenges to foot health. Proactive care and vigilance are essential to prevent serious complications and maintain healthy feet. According to Dr. Angela Edwards a surgeon specializing in diabetic foot…
Encouraging Early Detection During Breast Cancer Awareness Month
One in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, making it likely to know someone affected by the disease. Unfortunately, breast cancer incidence rates have been rising by 0.6% each year, according to the American Cancer Society. This year, the National…
A Healthier Start to the School Year
As the school year begins, healthy routines should also be part of those plans. Prioritizing your family’s health boosts immunity, energy, and cognitive function throughout the school day. August is Immunization Awareness Month—a time to…
Traditional Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage: Do You Know the Difference?
Medicare Advantage IS NOT the same as traditional Medicare. There are key differences that can have a real impact on how, when, and where you get the medical care you might need.
Mimbres Memorial Hospital Names Chief Executive Officer
Mimbres Memorial Hospital has appointed Duke Young as chief executive officer, effective July 22. Young relocated to Deming from Junction, Texas, where he previously served as chief executive officer of a rural critical access hospital.
March: National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Dr. A. Elizabeth Martin Deming, NM - According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer ranks as the third most frequently diagnosed cancer globally. While early detection is critical, the disease is rising among younger individuals according to the latest...
Understanding COPD: Causes, Risk Factors, and Management
Deming, NM - In the United States, more than 12.5 million people grapple with a silent respiratory culprit—Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). November is COPD Awareness Month and the perfect time to explore the causes, risk factors, and strategies for...
Test your asthma I.Q.
For more than 25 million people in America, breathing easy is hard work. Asthma causes inflammation in the airways, especially after breathing in something that irritates them. The muscles around the airways also become tighter, making it difficult for air to fill the lungs.
How Overworking Hurts Your Heart
Consistently logging long hours at work can leave you stressed and fatigued, but there’s a potential consequence that may not be readily apparent — a higher risk of heart-related complications. Your heart is no stranger to hard work — if you live 70 years, it may beat...